SEM VALE, 16/05/2024: Michael Hurley (Cambridge): “Angels and Apes: How Theology meets Ecology in Chesterton, Wordsworth, and Hopkins”, Site Jussieu

  • Post category:Séminaire

Attention, Changement de lieu!

Dans le cadre du séminaire « Living Matters », nous aurons le plaisir d’accueillir : Michael Hurley (Trinity College, Cambridge): “Angels and Apes: How Theology meets Ecology in Chesterton, Wordsworth, and Hopkins” le 16/05/2024 à 17 h 30 en salle 102 du couloir 24-25 sur le campus Pierre et Marie Curie (4 place Jussieu, 75005 PARIS). Séance conjointe avec l’Axe Modernités 16-18.


This paper puts a theological cat amongst the secular pigeons. G. K. Chesterton, William Wordsworth, and Gerard Manley Hopkins are set in conversation with Pope Francis’s Laudato Si (2015), to show how far those writers anticipate its animus against technocratic capitalism, but also, more surprisingly, how far they challenge the progressive assumptions of contemporary eco-activism.


Michael D. Hurley is Professor of Literature and Theology, and a Fellow and Director of Studies at Trinity College, Cambridge. He is currently Visiting Professor at the Sorbonne. His published monographs include G.K. Chesterton (Tavistock, 2012), and Faith in Poetry (London, 2017). His Angels and Monotheism (Cambridge) is forthcoming in 2024. He is currently writing a monograph on Gerard Manley Hopkins.