COLL: 18-20/06/2025: « Aphra Behn on the Move », Paris

Nous avons le plaisir de vous communiquer le programme du colloque international « Aphra Behn on The Move » qui se tiendra du 18 au 20 juin prochain à Paris. Ce colloque, soutenu par la Aphra Behn International Society et la Société des Etudes anglo-américaines des XVIIe et XVIIIe siècles, est un événement conjoint Sorbonne Université, Université Paris Cité et Université Sorbonne nouvelle.

Pour y assister, inscription préalable nécessaire.

Bien cordialement,

Line Cottegnies (VALE UR 4085), Aurélie Griffin (PRISMES EA4398), Clara Manco (ECHELLES UMR 8264),,,

Colloque international / International Conference


Sorbonne Université – Université Sorbonne Nouvelle – Université Paris Cité

18-20 June 2025, Paris, France



 Université Paris Cité

 Amphi Pierre-Gilles de Gennes

(Entrance: 4 rue Elsa Morante, 75013, Metro: Bibliothèque François Mitterrand)

13 h 30 – 14 h 00: Registration and coffee

14 h 00 – 14 h 15: Welcoming address

14 h 15 – 15 h 10: Session 1: Biographical Wanderings (Chair: Charles-Edouard Levillain)

14 h 15 – 14 h 35: María José Coperías-Aguilar (Universitat de València), “Wondering about Aphra Behn’s Wanderings”

14 h 35 – 14 h 55: Karen Britland (University of Wisconsin at Madison), “Movement and Paranoia in Behn’s Netherlands”

14 h 55 – 15 h 10: Q&A

15 h 10-16 h 00: Plenary 1 (Chair: Aleksondra Hulquist): Leah Orr (University of Louisiana at Lafayette): “Social and Economic Mobility in Behn’s Works and Her World”

16 h 30 – 18 h 30: Guided visit to the Bibliothèque nationale de France (registration required)



 Sorbonne Université

Salle des Actes  (Entrance: 54 rue Saint Jacques, 75005 Metro: Odéon or Cluny)

9 h 30 – 10 h 20: Plenary 2 (Chair: Line Cottegnies), Elaine Hobby (Loughborough University), “‘They Stand without Motion in Postures’: Movement in The Emperor of the Moon

10 h 20 – 10 h 45: Coffee break

10 h 45 -11 h 40: Session 2: Mobility and identity I (Chair: Aurélie Griffin)

10 h 45 – 11 h 05:  Marion Wynne-Davies (University of Surrey), “Aphra Behn: Mobility in London”

11 h 05 – 11 h 25: Mona Narain (Texas Christian University), “Aphra Behn: Transiting and Transitional Identities”

11 h 25 – 11 h 40: Q&A

11 h 00 – 12 h 35: Session 3: Mobility and identity II (Chair: Ladan Niayesh)

11 h 40 – 12 h 00: Mathilde Alazraki (Sorbonne Nouvelle): “Femininity and Otherness across the Stage and Page: a Comparative Study of Behn’s Abdelazer (1676) and Oroonoko (1688) through the Lens of Gender and Race”

12 h 00 – 12 h 20: Jasmin Bieber (University of Konstanz): “‘There she sails!’: Maritime Rhetoric in Aphra Behn’s Prose and Plays”

12 h 20 – 12 h 35 Q&A

Lunch at the Club des Enseignants.

14 h – 14 h 55: Session 3: A World in Transition (Chair: Pierre Lurbe)

14 h 00 – 14 h 20: Aleksondra Hultquist (Stockton University), “Aphra Behn’s Dutch Republic in The Dutch Lover and Love-Letters

14 h 20 – 14 h 40: John Yargo (Boston College): “Whatever happened to one common Ruin? Environmental Catastrophe and the Reinvention of Race”

14 h 40 – 14 h 55: Q&A

14 h 55 – 15 h 50: Session 4: Transcending Boundaries in Behn’s Fiction (Chair: Anne-Marie Miller-Blaise)

14 h 55 – 15 h 15: Karen Bloom Gevirtz (Independent Scholar), “Mind and Movement in The History of the Nun

15 h 15 – 15 h 35: Aditi Upmanyu (Oxford University), “‘Galloping Nuns’ and ‘fickle Humour’: Subversive Movement in Aphra Behn’s The Fair Jilt (1688) and The History of the Nun (1689)”

15 h 35 – 15 h 50: Q&A

15 h 50 – 16 h 15: Coffee break

16 h 15 – 16 h 45: Aline César, “Aphra Behn, Punk and Poetess”, a musical reading (in French).

16 h 45 – 18 h 15:  Round Table “Jouer Aphra Behn en France / Staging Aphra Behn in France” (in English and French), with Aline César, Roxane Best and Cecilia Dorland (stage directors), Clara Manco et Line Cottegnies.

19 h 00 – 20 h 30:  Semi-staged reading of L’Ecumeur des Mers (The Rover)
Amphi Richelieu, Sorbonne (in French)

 Performed by: Compagnie La Loupe; director:  Roxane Best
Translation: L. Cottegnies and M. Perea Lopes.

Duration: 1 h 30. Free (registration required).



Université Sorbonne Nouvelle, room C405 

(Entrance: 8 avenue St Mandé, 75012, Metro: Nation)

9 h 30 – 10 h 20: Plenary 3 (Chair: Clara Manco), Claire Bowditch (Independent Scholar): “‘No such strange thing in our Age’: Transforming French Fools into English Cuckolds in Shifting Political Landscapes.”

10 h 20 – 10 h 45: Coffee break

10 h 45 – 11 h 40: Session 5: Generic Innovations I (Chair: Sandrine Parageau)

10 h 45-11 h 05: Baudouin Millet (Lyon 2): “The Generic Instability of Aphra Behn’s Oroonoko

11 h 05 – 11 h 25: Amelia Mills (Nottingham Trent University), “Translation Methods on the Move: a Cultural Shift in Literary Priorities?”

11 h 25 – 11 h 40: Q&A

11 h 40 – 12 h 35: Session 6: Generic Innovations (Chair: Al Coppola)

11 h 40 – 12 h 00: Sonia Villegas-López (University of Huelva); “From Seduced Maiden to Female Rogue: Behn’s Genre Transitions in Love-Letters Between a Nobleman and His Sister

12 h 00 – 12 h 20: Rachel Carnell (Cleveland State University): “Moving Through Secret History: From Procopius to Brémond to Behn to Manley”

12 h 20 – 12 h 35: Q&A

12 h 35 – 14 h 00: Lunch

14 h 00 – 14 h 50: Session 7: From Fiction to Drama (Chair: Claire Boulard-Jouslin)

14 h 00 – 14 h 20: Beth Cortese (University of Iceland), “Behn’s Comi-tragedies: Disrupting the Comic Mode”

14 h 20 -14 h 40:Cassidy Holahan (University of Nevada), “Aphra Behn’s Fictions Stepping on Stage”

14 h 40 – 14 h 50: Q&A 

15 h 00 – 15 h 30: Théâtre, Université Sorbonne Nouvelle. (same address : 8 avenue St Mandé): Presentation of Aphra Behn’s The Town Fop, by Clara Manco and Claire Bowditch.

15 h 30 – 17 h 00: Performance of The Town Fop: A Promenade (in English), 

by UPC-SN-SU students, directed by Clara Manco and Cecilia Dorland
with the participation of the baroque ensemble La Rêveuse.

Free (registration required). 


Conference organized by Line Cottegnies (VALE UR 4085), Clara Manco (ECHELLES UMR 8264) and Aurélie Griffin (PRISMES EA4398), under the aegis of the International Aphra Behn Society and the Société d’Études Anglo-Américaines des 17e et 18e siècles (SEAA1718).