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SEM PACT « Surveillance Imaginings »
11 mars 2024 - 17 h 00 min - 19 h 00 min
Le nouveau séminaire de PACT « Surveillance Imaginings » accueillera Jean-Michel Ganteau, Professeur de littérature britannique l’Université de Montpellier autour de son ouvrage The Poetics and Ethics of Attention in Contemporary British Narrative. London: Routledge, 2023.
La séance aura lieu le 11 mars de 17h à 19h à la Maison de la Recherche (Serpente, salle 001).
This book uses attention as a prism through which to interrogate the literary text. It starts from analyses of the changes that the mediasphere and communication technologies have brought for the contemporary subject, submitting him/her to the tyranny of a new attention economy. My point is that the contemporary novel and memoir resist such influences and evince a great deal of resilience by promoting an “ecology of attention” (Citton) based on poetic options whose pragmatic effect is to develop an ethics of the particularist type. To do this, I draw on critical and theoretical literature hailing from various fields: psychology, but also more prominently phenomenology, political philosophy, and analytical philosophy (essentially Ordinary Language Philosophy), alongside the ethics of care and vulnerability. By using a selection of fictional and non-fictional narratives, I address such issues as social invisibilities, climate change, AI and cognitive disability and end up drafting a poetics of attention.