Alice de Galzain

Littérature américaine du XIXe siècle; Transcendantalisme; utopies; littérature féministe; études de genre; Humanités médicales
Alice de Galzain est chercheuse post-doctorante à Sorbonne Université. Son projet de recherche, intitulé « Women Networks and Transcendentalist Utopias : Health, Gender, and Reform » (TransUTOPIA), vise à explorer la sous-culture féministe qui a existé au sein des utopies transcendantalistes (Brook Farm et Fruitlands). Plus généralement, Alice est spécialisée dans la littérature américaine du dix-neuvième siècle avec un focus sur l’écriture féministe. Elle a enseigné la littérature américaine à University of Edinburgh et University of Sussex, où elle a travaillé en tant que Lecturer in American Studies and English. Elle est rédactrice en chef adjointe de The Concord Saunterer: A Journal of Thoreau Studies et rédactrice en chef adjointe de Margaret Fuller, Periodical and Other Writings, The Edinburgh Edition of the Collected Writings of Margaret Fuller. En 2022, son essai «Transcendentalist Women in Conversation: Margaret Fuller, Sophia Ripley, and ‘Woman’ » est paru dans Transatlantica : Revue française d’études américaines et elle a deux articles qui seront publiés prochainement dans Legacy et LIT: Literature Interpretation Theory.

Alice de Galzain is a postdoctoral researcher at Sorbonne University. Her research project, entitled “Women Networks and Transcendentalist Utopias: Health, Gender, and Reform” (TransUTOPIA), aims to uncover the feminist subculture that existed within Transcendentalist utopias (Brook Farm and the Fruitlands). More broadly, Alice specializes in nineteenth-century American literature, with a focus on feminist women’s writing. She has taught American Literature at the University of Edinburgh and the University of Sussex, where she worked as Lecturer in American Studies and English. She is the Associate Editor of The Concord Saunterer: A Journal of Thoreau Studies and the Associate Editor of Margaret Fuller, Periodical and Other Writings, The Edinburgh Edition of the Collected Writings of Margaret Fuller. In 2022, her article “Transcendentalist Women in Conversation: Margaret Fuller, Sophia Ripley, and ‘Woman’” appeared in Transatlantica: American Studies Journal and she has two essays due to appear in Legacy and LIT: Literature Interpretation Theory.