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Joint Workshop: « Shakespeare and the Contemporary », Sorbonne-King’s College, Londres, 5-6/04/2019
5 avril 2019 - 6 avril 2019
A Research and Innovation Joint Workshop financed by the French Embassy in the U.K. and King’s College London
Defining the Contemporary in Times of Unrest: Shakespeare, Theatre, Now
King’s College, London
This joint workshop, which we seek to run at King’s during April 2019, will bring together the expertise of scholars at our two institutions working in the fields of Shakespeare Studies and Contemporary Theatre to reflect on ideas of the ‘contemporary’ in dramatic creativity – what the contemporary meant to Shakespeare and other early modern writers, what it means to playwrights writing in English now – in what we are calling ‘times of unrest’, encompassing both the national/international struggles of the Elizabethan/Jacobean period and the national/international scene which is the context for the writing of contemporary British playwrights and the performances of contemporary theatre makers.
The provisional programme is as follows:
Friday 5 April 2019
morning travel for Paris group
1.00 lunch
2.00 Gordon McMullan and Line Cottegnies, Opening remarks
2.15 Discussion of set texts: Giorgio Agamben, ‘What is the Contemporary?’, from What is an Apparatus? And Other Essays (Stanford UP, 2009), 39‐54; extracts from Alain Badiou and Jean-Claude Milner, Controversies, Politics and Philosophy in Our Times (Polity, 2018); Georges Didi-Huberman, Images in Spite of All (Chicago UP, 2008); Jean-Luc Nancy, The Inoperative Community (U of Minnesota P, 1991).
3.00 Line Cottegnies: The ‘relevance’ of Shakespeare’s histories, then and now
3.20 Amy Lidster: Questioning the boundary between past and present in Shakespeare’s
3.40 coffee/tea
4.20 Lucy Munro: Shakespeare, theatre history and the present moment
4.40 Nicolas Thibault: Drama and counsel
5.00 Alan Read: The irrelevance of Shakespeare
5.20 discussion
7 dinner
Saturday 6 April 2019
10 Anne-Valérie Dulac: Seeing the contemporary via/through/in Shakespeare
10.20 Elisabeth Angel-Perez: ’In-Yer-Face’ and ‘In-Yer-Ear’ on the contemporary stage
10.40 Gordon McMullan: Shakespeare then and now
11 discussion
11.20 coffee/tea
11.40 round table discussion of issues raised.
1.00 lunch and close
2.00 Post-event meeting between lead academics